Resources - Prevention
For information about services in Ontario or about local agencies that provide services you may be looking for, see below:
- Information about available specialized treatment services in the Haliburton County area can be accessed through this link: Search for Services.
- For a list of local agencies that partner on this website, click here
The following websites provide information about ways to support positive mental health for children and youth:
Fostering Mental Health
What Makes Kids Healthy, Happy and Well-Adjusted? (Offord Centre website)
Factsheet: What Every Child Needs for Good Mental Health (Mental Health America website)
The Importance of Parenting (Offord Centre website)
Responsive and Nurturing Parenting sets the stage for children's social, emotional and academic development (Incredible Years website)
Strategies for promoting the mental health of young children in community-based child care (CMHA and the Hincks-Dellcrest Centre) |
How to Promote Resiliency in Children (Offord Centre website)
Strengthening Families for the Future in Ontario communities (CAMH website)
Growing Up Resilient - Ways to Build Resilience in Children and Youth (this link lets you read part of the book, CAMH website)
School-Wide Methods for Fostering Resiliency (PDF - NASP)
Orchid versus Dandelion genetic theory of resilience (The Science of Success, Atlantic magazine, December 2009. Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg)
Resiliency and Social-Emotional Learning (University of Oregon)
PBS special "This Emotional Life - Resilience" (video, quite scientific)
Fostering Optimism and Strengths
Self-Concept and Self-Esteem in Adolescents (PDF - NASP)
Children and Self-Esteem (CMHA Factsheet)
Positive Behavioural Interventions and Supports
School-wide Positive Behavioural Support (National Technical Assistance Center website)
Positive Behavioural Supports: Information for Educators (NASP website)